"What was never said" is a book I1 recently wrote that is a short story about mental health and trauma.
I didn't just want to write some random story about nothing. I have been privileged to speak to and help people who have suffered different traumas, abuses and all sorts of things and I have seen what it has done to them. How it has robbed them of life and robbed them of a voice and so I decided to bring a story that shows the eye and the mind of a victim in hopes that you may understand them a little better. The short story about a Girl named Makita who experiences so much of life's negatives from a tender age. It shows a girl who sinks into silence and feels like she will never get out of it. I wrote this story to raise awareness on mental health, to show that the silence that has entrapped many of us like Makita is deadly. My sincere hope is that you not only enjoy the story, but you truly check within yourself and see how much damage silence has brought you.
I decided to make these videos to provide insight on the concept, theme, and contents of the book, if you haven't read it click here to download a free copy today.
Please leave a comment. And let me know if you would like to read more such stories from me.
#firststory #grateful #whatwasneversaid
Lombe Evelyn Munankopa was born in Lusaka, Zambia. She is of a strong belief that everything has a solution provided that knowledge is acquired and rightly applied. She strongly believes that everything she has experienced in life has the ability to encourage the next person who may be in need. Ms. Munankopa worked as a consultant before she went on to pursue her degree. She had also served in a religious organization as the prayer coordinator for three consecutive years and it is from that place that she has continued to mentor young women around her. She received her education at the University of Zambia where she attained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science with Gender Studies.